are you tired of those assholes with the ridin' dirty ringtone? don't you just want to punch the motherfucker whose phone plays disney jingles? here at tfy headquarters we are proud to offer the opportunity for you to make a statement about mobile phone etiquette.
welcome to the tfy ringtone section. the following mp3 snippets can be uploaded to many newer mobile phones and set as pleasant, unobtrusive ringtones. when a tfy ringtone sounds, the surrounding people either a) won't notice it, or b) will be lulled to sleep.
tfy: giving back to society since 2007.


*please click here for technical ringtone information*

grouse over the high seas

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

blind date inanimate

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

don't turn your back on the drone

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

don't turn your back on the drone (remix)

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

as any minuet detterring the convergence

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

cosmetic sticks of the prairie

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

caught in the fuselage under your carrion

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

i'm the batman forever

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

differ akrostress may make you drowsy

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

delicious identity crisis

MP3 (high quality): download

MP3 (low quality): download

Contact us: thefunyears at gmail dot com | ©2003-forever the fun years llc | "from quantity comes quality"